Freelance UX Research

Understanding your users is an essential step to designing and continually improving your website. Below are a few of the many UX research methods we can use...

Remote User Testing

Watching and hearing visitors to your website is a recommended way to gain insights into any usability problems that may exist on your website. Using services like What Users Do I will ask a selected group of 5 testers to perform common tasks on your website and talk through their experience.

Freelance Remote User Testing

Analytics Research and Reporting

As well as listening to your customers voice you need to look at some hard data to discover obvious drop off points in your sales funnels. Google Analytics and HotJar are two great free tools to discover more about the behaviour of your visitors. I'll set up, analyse and provide reports from both services.

Freelance Google Analytics Reporting

Site Walkthroughs

Having data and customer feedback is great but you still can't beat the human thought process when problem solving. I'll walk through your website in different browsers to see where there are common errors and if best practices are being adhered to.

Freelance Site Walkthrough

Competitor Benchmarking

Certain websites and industries have standard practises that potential customers in your field may be used to. Understanding these common themes and analysing your competitors is a good way to find new ways of improving your website.

Freelance Competitor Benchmarking

Persona Development

Personas are rough guides to who your customers are and what their problems and pain points consist of. Being able to relate back to personas can help in the decision making process when deciding on page layouts and new features.

Persona Development
Client quote

By completing CRO expert Peep Laja's conversion optimisation programme I have added another string to my bow. I now understand the research and analytical processes necessary to create website designs optimised to convert your visitors into sales or leads.

Conversion XL